Miss Kendal Sets Her Cap

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Book Description

Taking up a challenge born mostly out of boredom, Miss Frederica Kendal set her cap for her new neighbor, Lord Thorpe. A calamitous first meeting provided a rather inauspicious beginning for her campaign. Then the cynical war hero dared to steal a kiss--which happened to be witnessed by prying eyes--leaving him no choice but to offer for Miss Kendal.

She refused, of course. How absurd! He didn't even like her, much less love her. And thus Miss Kendal and her cap were dispatched to London to avoid the scandal. But her reputation preceded her: The curious flocked to see the young woman so high in the instep that she'd actually turned down a proposal from the Viscount Thorpe!

Soon Miss Kendal was the most popular miss in London, especially in the eyes of her spurned suitor, who must convince Miss Kendal to set her cap once again. . . .
