Savage Ecstasy

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Book Description

Kiss of the night wind... Whispered kisses... Follow the wind...

The words of Janelle Taylor sparkle with her unique blend of adventure and passion. And her unforgettable tale of the warrior Gray Eagle and his beloved Alisha is perhaps the most special of all. For it begins one of the most romantic and meorable sagas ever written...

It was like lightning striking, the first time they looked into each other's eyes: Gray Eagle, the captured Indian brave, and Alisha, the beautiful young settler. As the proud Oglala warrior was being tortured by his white captors, only Alisha seemed to notice that he was a human being -- handsome and strong, and one who took her breath away. But if Alisha could have read Gray Eagle's thoughts she would have been even more disturbed. Because from the moment he saw her, the Indian knew that he had to possess the fair-skinned one -- and his life would not be complete until he had made her his slave!

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