Scarlet Ribbons

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Book Description

POWDER KEG OF DESIRE From “RT's Historical Romance Lifetime Achievement Author” comes the gripping tale of the struggle of a young English woman who fled London’s slums, survived a perilous journey sea journey across the Atlantic, was sold as a bondservant to a brutal colonial master and then forced to marry her rapist. After her husband's mysterious disappearance, Sarah faces constant danger from the troops who stay as guests as she runs the tavern and inn. She trusts no man.

When undercover agent and officer Forest Irons saves Sarah from a pack of deserters, she accepts his plea for employment at her tavern and inn. Forest soon develops feelings for Sarah, but he suspects she murdered her abusive husband and honor requires him to put his mission first. But desire ignites between them like a lit powder keg. Through his lovemaking and attention, Sarah begins to trust again and harbors fantasies about their future together. When her husband's relatives threaten to lay claim to her husband’s stake in the inn and take her son away, she joins forces with Forest. If the Hessian soldiers find them, it will mean death. But the greatest danger to their budding love affair is the betrayal Sarah feels when she discovers Forest's real identity.
