Wish List - Anthology

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Book Description

"I Will" by Lisa Kleypas

Lord Drake, a ne'er-do-well aristocrat, finds himself disinherited from his dying father's will. He gets the title and the lands, but not the money. He must convince respectable Miss Caroline Hargreaves to pretend a sham courtship, fooling his father into believing he has given up his dissolute lifestyle.

"Puddings, Pastries, and Thou" by Lisa Cach

Vivian Ambrose is a poor spinster, dependent on whichever relative needs her services. When her great-aunt, who treated Vivian as a lowly unpaid servant, dies, she is passed onto her distant cousins, the Twitchens. The Twitchens spoiled daughter, Penelope, immediately takes a dislike to Vivian, thinking Vivian will cause a pall to her first Season. However, this unlikely pair form a truce and agree that Vivian must be married off before Penelope's London season. Penelope has in mind Richard Brent, who has a scandalous past, making him ineligible for marriagable young ladies.

"Union" by Claudia Dain

Clarissa Walingford is being pressured by her many brothers to marry. She knows she must choose a groom, but she does NOT want to marry an Englishman. She wants to marry an Irishman, or at the very least, an Englishman who owns an estate in Ireland. She meets Henry "Beau" Wakefield, Lord of Montwyn. Beau, himself, is on the hunt for the perfect wife. At Lindley's, (Clarissa's brother), insistence, Beau meets Clarissa and decides immediately that she is the one for him.

"All I Want" by Lynsay Sands

Prudence Prescott's father is drinking and gambling his family into the poor house. All her mother wants for Christmas is for her husband to stop gambling, and Prudence's mission is to make this wish come true. She attempts to confront her father at his favorite gambling den, Ballard's, and meets the infamous owner, Lord Stockton.
