A Taste Of Passion - Susan Sackett

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Book Description


When her father was framed for murder right in the middle of his controversial political campaign, Cedar Rushton was desperate to clear his name. Not desperate enough, however, to trust a cad like Guy Marler. After all, the handsome reporter worked for a newspaper that all but supported the corruption of Tammany Hall, corruption that Cedar's father was dedicated to stopping. Even though Cedar accepted Guy's suspicious offer of assistance, she kept a cynical eye on the charming rogue. When he took her in his arms and whispered words of passion, she figured he meant to seduce a scoop out of her. But when his lips met hers in a searing kiss, she no longer cared about his motives. She might not be able to trust him, but she couldn't resist loving him...all night long!


The last thing Guy Marler needed was to get involved with a woman like Cedar Rushton. Innocent do-gooders were not quite his style. But somehow the lovely blonde aroused his protective instincts, nor to mention his less-than-gentlemanly desires. Besides, there might be a great story in it, and he could use all the front page by-lines he could get! And there were worse fates than spending his days and nights by the side of a beautiful lady. Especially one with beckoning lips that invited his kiss, soft curves that begged for his touch, and sweet, hot passions that he ached to satisfy!