An Empire Of Broken Hearts

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Book Description

Six talented Empire Authors team up to weave together An Empire Of Broken Hearts, a masterpiece of short stories brought together in one anthology for charity. Within these heartfelt pages are stories filled with sorrow, triumph, sadness and bliss.

Sharon Lea Ford brings us a tale of the Australian Outback, a young woman and a Jackeroo experience love and the trials of living the farm life. This story will tug at the heartstrings and give us pause to be grateful for what we possess.

G.B Hobson tells of the far-reaching repercussions of a woman’s unrequited love. Two men forbidden by religion and culture to live in a loving relationship must decide if life is worth living halfway or if their love can cross all barriers.

Remmy Duchene tells the endearing story of a man who loses his best friend. But five years later he’s still pining over him. A heart can only endure one true love at a time. Will he continue his obsession over a five year loss and lose the love of his life?

Geoffrey Knight delivers a melancholy story turned sweet, woven around two young boys. Their lives lived in shades of grey until a chance encounter brings them together for one colorful day of fun, fascination, and what it is to first fall in love without even knowing what it means.

Savannah Chase shows us chance encounters between a woman and a man can create something truly special. Even if tragedy strikes it can leave behind the greatest miracle of all. There is nothing more powerful than the love between two people.

Justin James tells a traumatic story of being victimized. When inner strength fails, and the pieces of body, soul and spirit must be mended, an angel is needed. One random act of kindness brings together two people, allowing the healing process to begin and a new story to unfold.

An Empire Of Broken Hearts is an Anthology for Charities World-Wide. All proceeds from the sale of this title will go to the Empire Trust. For more information please visit
