Barbara Faith

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Barbara Faith de Covarrubias (1921-1995) was born in Cleveland, raised in Detroit, and lived in Miami for fifteen years. While in Florida, she took night courses in Spanish and writing.

She worked for several years in public relations and wrote fiction in her spare time. Finally the desire to spend time in Mexico won out. On arriving there, she was instantly charmed by the country and planned to be very serious about completing her first novel. To Barbara Faith this included no dating.

However, the nexy day she was introduced to Alfonso Covarrubias, a retired matador. She couldn't pronounce his namd and she didn't know anything about bullfighthing, but she did know she was in love.

They married and lived for several years in Mexico before moving to Chula Vista, California. Barbara credits her husband for giving her the courage to continue writing. Her novels, The Moonkissed and The Sun Dancers, have been popularly received. She has written more than 40 romance novels as Barbara Faith (her maiden name) from 1978 until the day of her death.


Series/Related Titles

The Moroccan Desert Series

  1. Bedouin Bride
  2. Desert Song
  3. Flower of the Desert
