Barbara Parker

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Barbara Parker was a renowned American mystery writer, who penned down 12 best sellers. The first novel that Barbara Parker wrote down was Suspicion of Innocence, which was a finalist in the Edgar Allan Poe Awards. Parker also served on the national board of mystery writers and also chaired the membership committee of the board as well. Barbara Parker was born and raised in Columbia and resided in South Carolina. Eventually, Barbara Parker relocated with her entire family to Florida. Barbara Parker was admitted to the academic powerhouse, University of South Florida, where she majored in Theatre Arts. Eventually, she joined the University of Miami where was awarded a degree in Law. After her graduation, Parker became a prosecutor and served in the Attorney’s office in Florida State before starting her legal practice that she ran for more than eight years. To provide an alternative for her legal career and to entertain her career as well.

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Series/Related Titles

C.J. Dunn

  1. The Dark Of Day

Gail Connor and Anthony Quintana

  1. Suspicion Of Innocence
  2. Suspicion Of Guilt
  3. Suspicion Of Deceit
  4. Suspicion Of Betrayal
  5. Suspicion Of Malice
  6. Suspicion Of Vengeance
  7. Suspicion Of Madness
  8. Suspicion Of Rage
