English Tea Rose

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English Tea Rose is The Wild Rose Press's non-American historical line.


From the windswept moors of Scotland, to the Emerald Isle, to the elegant ballrooms of Regency England, the men and women of this time are larger than life and willing to risk it all for the love of a lifetime. English Tea Rose stories encompass historical romances set before 1900 which are not set on American soil.

Send us your medieval knights, Vikings, Scottish highlanders, marauding pirates, and ladies and gentlemen of the Ton. English Tea Rose romances should have strong conflict and be emotionally driven; and, whether the story is medieval, Regency, set during the renaissance, or any other pre-1900 time, they must stay true to their period in historical accuracy and flavor. Many readers of this line, especially those who enjoy novels set in the Regency era, are familiar with the time period and the social mores of the day. Historical accuracy is a must.

English Tea Roses can range from Sweet to Spicy, but should not contain overly explicit language. When querying, please choose a heat rating from our main guidelines, and note in the query into which category you think your manuscript falls.

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