False Ex-Pectations

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By KP Wee


Book Description

Dave Lee is an ordinary, self-employed consultant who has a normal life, like most people. Though Dave longs for sex with girlfriend Lisa—which she refuses to give him—he nonetheless is happy with their relationship. They both have their own careers, and spend a lot of time together.

However, this week, Dave’s business has been slow, while Lisa’s company is experiencing a busy season. Suddenly, an ex (Wendy) comes back into Dave’s life from miles away—after a three-year hiatus, giving him sexual pleasures that he can’t get from Lisa. Unfortunately, what Dave doesn’t realize at the time is this ex brings a lot of baggage with her. And Wendy’s re-appearance has caused Dave—who is obviously still in love with her—to make several questionable decisions, at home and at work.

Does Dave leave Lisa for the ex? Or will he remain with Lisa? Will Lisa find out? Who will die in this mess? Will he push her off the roof-top?


I lifted her arms and pushed her gently away. I put my pants on awkwardly.

“Oh shoot,” I exclaimed. “I gotta check my messages.”

I retrieved my cell phone out of my pants pocket and looked at it.

One new message, left about an hour ago.

I listened to the message.

“Hey babe, where are you? I called twice earlier. You didn’t pick up your office phone. Must be on the road, huh? Anyway, I’ll actually be done at five-thirty today. I’ll just zip by your office and we can grab din. Love ya, mwah!”

Great. What time was it now?

I stuffed the phone back in my pocket.

“Look, it’s getting late. My girlfriend’s coming here, now. I need you to disappear, please.”

“Ah, I finally get to meet this future ex-girlfriend that you keep talking about all day.”

She stood by the whiteboard, and suddenly my massive headache was coming back.

I looked in horror at the board.

While I was listening to the message, she had decided to doodle on the board the words “Dave + Wendy” along with a big heart, in bright red.

“Wendy! That board doesn’t erase properly!” I exclaimed, rushing to the board and started scrubbing the red marks with the worn-out eraser.

Wait a minute.

I didn’t have any red markers in the office. Just red permanent markers.

I gave up.

Wendy smiled devilishly.

“Where should I go then?”

“Well, you obviously have a place to stay. I mean, you aren’t carrying any luggage on you,” I snapped, a bit upset that she was treating it all like a game.

“I wanna stay with you. Otherwise here.”

I gave up. I didn’t know what to do. Obviously I wasn’t going to call the cops and have her escorted out.

“Look, you stay here and don’t go anywhere. I don’t have time to go get any food for you. Just go raid the snacks in the reception area. And there’s some canned…”

I froze up. My heart started pounding heavily.

Someone was banging on the front door. Loudly.

Oh no. Lisa!

That must be Lisa. So soon?

The banging came again, with each knock louder and louder.

What if I just pretended no one was in the office? Maybe she’d go away?

Or maybe she’d bang the door down and then give me a concussion?

“I’ll go get it,” Wendy said nonchalantly, walking away from me. I was horrified. She still hadn’t put her shorts back on.

For a moment, I just stood there, transfixed in my position as she walked out of the board room, shaking her pink underwear sexily.

I sat down on the closest chair and buried my head down on the hard table. I didn’t even bother to hide the shorts. I was finished. Dead.

Think quick. What excuse could I possibly come up with to give to Lisa?
