Gambling On Love

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1950 US Edition
By Gail Jordon
Publisher Harlequin Romance #26
Release Month 1950 (US)
Harlequin Romance Series #
Preceded by Blondes Don't Cry
Followed by Kiss Your Elbow

Book Description

Lucky Penny Gaines, her father had always called her, but of late her luck had been running out. She didn't even have hay money for her horse Midnight, much less enough to enter him in any races; and her attempt to win a stake at roulette was disastrous. So Penny gave up gambling. She shold an interest in her horse to Kim Hewes, and promised herself she wouldn't mix pleasure with her business relations with Kim. She considered that love wore out but that diamond bracelets lasted, and let wealthy Garrison Marshall supply her with the latter. Of course, once more Penny was making the mistake of thinking you could figure on a "sure thing" in advance.

Cover Variation (By Release Date)

1950 <br\>US Edition