Hostage - Archie Joscelyn

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1953 US Edition
By Archie Joscelyn
Publisher Harlequin Romance #244
Release Month 1953 (US)
Harlequin Romance Series #
Preceded by School For Love
Followed by The Soft Touch

Book Description

Coyote Creek was particular depressing on the day that Nareissa Hull arrived on the stage. Narcissa, tired and disheveled after the arduous journey, was dismayed when Emil Jacobsen, the man she had come to marry, did not meet her at the station, for Dolf Kinney, the town's most prosperous merchant, a fellow passenger on the stage, had made himself thoroughly objectionable, and had vowed to have her at any price. Rescued from Kinney's unwelcome attentions by Doctor Erd Eklund, Narcissa found herself in an unenviable position. For Emil was dead, from a bullet throgh the heart, and a long smoldering hatred between Kinney and Doctor Eklund flared up. Thus the scene is set for this story of the west, and the battle for a woman's life - between a man so ruthless that he thought nothing of arming the Indians against the whites, and a doctor whose past was about to catch up with him.

Cover Variation (By Release Date)

1953 <br\>US Edition