Hunted-Seduced By A Demon Book 2

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Hunted is an Erotic Paranormal Romantic Suspense novella by Carolyn Rosewood

Hunted by Carolyn Rosewood

Jahi Wickes has made forged documents and credit cards for the female demons who seduce men into signing away their souls. While enjoying the parades at Mardi Gras, she's ambushed by two angels. One is her former guardian angel, and the other is the Nephilim who’s tracking him.'

'Dagon has been chasing Vassago for three years. His first big break comes in the form of a cute, sexy demon. When he learns the real reason Vassago is hunting her, Dagon has more trouble than he bargained for. Not only was Vassago sent to guard souls in Purgatory after screwing up his assignment with Jahi, but the person who paid him to destroy her is one of her fellow demons.


Jahi had only seen angels once before, the night before they walked her to the gallows in sixteen ninety-two. Scared the shit out of her when the pair appeared in her jail cell and asked if she was ready to face her maker. After she told them exactly how she suspected she’d be judged in Heaven, she sent them away. Jahi knew what she’d been in life, and she knew what she’d be in death.

Why were angels here now, in Louisiana, and why was this creature called Vassago after her?

The second angel clicked his fingers and a pair of dark metal cuffs appeared. Jahi flashed back to three years ago when similar cuffs, courtesy of the demon Mastema, had bound Faina’s wrists. A moan escaped her throat. The sudden thought they might not be angels after all turned her stomach hot with fear.

Once again she tried to move or evaporate, but their magic held her fast. All she could do was watch both creatures struggle over the cuffs, still bellowing words she couldn’t comprehend. Vassago was stronger, and for a few seconds it looked like he’d be the one doing the cuffing. When the second creature had the upper hand once again, Vassago turned to look at her. If she still had blood that ran it would have gone stone cold. Jahi had never seen such hatred on any face, be it human, angel or demon.

The creature holding the cuffs took advantage of the momentary distraction to lunge again. He raised the cuffs and Jahi tensed. Vassago opened his mouth and howled, just before disappearing in a blinding flash of purple.

The one left holding the empty cuffs let out a roar, and fresh fear shot through her. Was he also after her? Her body trembled as he ranted and swung the cuffs around, the metal making hollow, clanking sounds. She dug her nails into her palms, determined not to moan again. She would not show this creature fear.

When he finally stopped she tried again to evaporate but nothing happened.

“Just stay right there. Don’t come any closer.” Her voice shook, betraying the brave words.

The creature shook his head and the handcuffs faded, along with his wings. She watched in disbelief and fascination as his face lost its glow and took on the human form of a yummy male. Chiseled features, gorgeous full mouth, and warm hazel eyes. His hair lost its tight curl and unwound to wavy locks in a style any other contemporary human male might wear. The only thing that gave him away was the color. Jahi had never come across a human with hair the color of an iridescent wheat field on a summer day.

She had a sudden urge to run her fingers through it. An image of her limbs wrapped around this man’s torso filled her mind, and she bit back a sigh.

“I almost had him this time,” he said, holding out a hand. “We’d better get out of here. He might come back.”

Jahi stared at his hand, picturing it stroking her breast as his captivating eyes bored into hers. She forced her gaze to those eyes. “What the hell is going on?”

He laughed, showing straight white teeth. The sound trickled over Jahi like warm water. Getting turned on by an angel wasn’t exactly status quo for a demon, but damn he was gorgeous. What would it be like to make love to him?

“That’s a good one,” he said, wiping tears from the corners of his eyes. “What the hell is going on?”

“Right. Look, thanks for chasing away the bad guy for me but I’m outta here.” She tried to move but her limbs were still frozen. Part of her was actually glad. He was so hot her brain cells were melting. Maybe he’d hold her in place with angel magic while he took her, right here on the floor?

“Sorry, but you’re not going anywhere without me.”

“Who are you?”

“Oh, sorry. Where are my manners?” He bowed, and the gesture was so over-the-top she almost laughed. “Dagon, fallen angel, at your service.”

“Fallen, eh? What did you do? Forget to replace the gold-leaf toilet paper in the bathrooms?”

“Nah, that’s the Seraphim’s job. Mine is to track nasties like our friend Vassago.”

“What is he?”

Dagon frowned. “This is rather embarrassing, especially considering you’re a… at least I think you are.”

“A what?”

“A demon,” he whispered, glancing around with mock concern. “I’m not supposed to say it out loud.”

“Why is it embarrassing?”

“Vassago is a fallen angel, like me. It’s embarrassing to admit to a demon that we have to hunt one of our own.”

Her eyes roamed over his jeans and polo shirt. The clothes fit his muscled body as if they’d been made for him alone. Long legs, trim waist, broad shoulders. He looked like he’d stepped off the streets of any city in the USA. If she hadn’t seen the glow and the wings she’d swear he was merely a freaking hot human male. “You’re not what I expected from an angel. You seem more like a college coed trying to pick up a girl in a bar.”

“Is that an invitation?” His voice was low, sexy, inviting.

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