I Do Two: An anthology in support of marriage equality

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Book Description

Love is at the heart of all we want for ourselves so why shouldn't any human being be able to say I Do to a life of commitment and sharing with that special person? We hope that marriage will soon be a dream that everyone can share. That's why some of the leading authors of GLBT fiction have donated their talent -- and their heart warming, thought provoking, life affirming stories -- to this anthology, in aid of Lambda Legal Fund's fight for marriage equality. Ruth Sims; Alex Beecroft; Lee Rowan; Gillian Palmer; Brian Holliday; Rob Rosen; Sophia Deri-Bowen; Nigel Puerasch; Rick R. Reed; Nexis Pas; Michael Gouda; "Nathan Burgoine, Jamie Freeman, Bruin Fisher, D.C. Juris, James Buchanan, L-J Baker, Charlie Cochrane, Neil S. Plakcy, Julia Rios, J.L. Merrow, Lenore Black All profits from the sale of this anthology will be donated to the Lambda Legal Defense to fight Prop 8 in support of marriage equality for all. (additonal cover design by Deana C. Jamroz)