Illusion - Sahara Kelly

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  • Series: Asylum for The Mechanically Insane #1
  • Author: Sahara Kelly
  • Publisher: author
  • Year: 2014
  • FictionDB Listing : [1]
  • Goodreads Listing : [2]

Book Description


Queen Victoria is on the throne, there’s an ongoing war being fought by soldiers and airships in India, and every day new machines are designed to advance the quality of life. Harbury Hall, an elegant country estate, reeks of aristocracy - as do its current owners, Lord and Lady Harbury. However, beneath this glorious piece of graceful architecture is a place of agony and terrible darkness.

Seven levels lie beneath; to some they are truly the levels of hell. To others they offer the chance to experiment with things never imagined by science even in its bleakest moments. They contain jail cells, laboratories and secrets where life is irrelevant, and death a mere annoyance. You will find prisoners, brilliant minds, and madness down here, and any combination could be behind any door. Take Dr. Matthew Henderson and his able assistant Emily Warren. They seek but one thing to complete their creation of mechanical life. They seek beauty. But this particular goal comes at a terrible price…