Insatiable 2: What Happens on Spring Break Stays on Spring Break - Amber Monroe

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Book Description

From the glossy pages of "Cosmopolitan" and "Allure" to the digital hangouts of websites like "Her Campus," anecdotal evidence has been piling up for years, pointing to one revelation: college students on Spring Break are notorious for cheating on their significant others. But let's not be mistaken, this insight is particularly illuminating when it comes to the women who embark on these escapades without their partners, where the likelihood they’ll hook up increases significantly. Their justification? It's as audacious as you can imagine: 'he should have been here.'

Are you ready to dive headfirst into this erotic whirlwind of adventure and intrigue? Join us as we navigate the treacherous waters of Spring Break, where sex is had on demand and betrayal is just a heartbeat away.

So grab your favorite sunglasses, pack a daring spirit, and prepare to explore the sexy truth behind college girls' cheating frenzy during Spring Break. Uncover the reasons behind their brazen actions as we delve deep into the pages of this scandalous anthology. It's time to embark on adventures that will leave you exhilarated, captivated, and maybe even questioning your own moral compass.