Nurse Templar

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1966 US Reprint
By Anne Weale
Publisher Harlequin Romance #578
Release Month 1961 (US)
Harlequin Romance Series #
Preceded by White Hunter
Followed by Nurse Angela

Book Description

As the new midwife at a small town clinic, one of Linden Templar's first duties is the delivery of the Craig family's baby. Dealing with the most arrogant people in town, this case presents quite a problem for Linden. The love and support of her colleague, Dr. Peter Carbury, is some help, but this is offset by her difficulty in dealing with Randal Craig. Randal, the forceful and attractive nominal head of the family, is the one man she has been trying to avoid since he ridiculed her on the fateful day of their first meeting.

Cover Variation (By Release Date)

1966 <br\>US Reprint