Outlaw - Lisa Plumley

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Book Description

He stepped out of the pages of a novel...

Mason Kincaid didn't have time to rescue the fancy-fluff female stranded in the middle of Arizona territory. He was hell-bent on a mission to reclaim his young son and his good name from the men who stole both. But even an outlaw couldn't leave a lady alone in the desert—especially after she'd been accidentally dumped from the stagecoach he just held up. This ungrateful city woman instantly made his chivalry regrettable. For she was temptation and desire wrapped up in one troublesome package. Like it or not though, Miss Amelia O'Malley was along for the ride.

And swept her into adventure and love

A traveling book saleswoman, Amelia only wanted to prove herself to her father and earn a place in the family business. That determination was how she landed in a stagecoach to Tucson—and in the saddle with a notorious outlaw. This wasn't the romantic bandit of a wild west adventure; this was a real flesh and blood man whose rugged face, powerful build, and gun at his hip spelled danger of all kinds. Certainly, there could be no future between an outlaw and a respectable lady. But surprises awaited this mismatched duo whose adventure together could be the beginning of a future destined to last...


  • "Four stars! A fun, fast-paced, passionate adventure of a lady and a mad ride through the wild west. A real treat for western romance fans!" —Romantic Times BOOKreviews
  • "What a grand ride! Outlaw is a fantastic, rip-roaring western romance that ropes you in, ties you up in knots, and doesn't turn loose until the last page is turned. A tremendous rush! This one is fun!" —Romance Communications
  • "Hysterically funny with plenty of outrageous situations and eccentric characters, Outlaw is a true gem from first page to last. Ms. Plumley is an author of exceptional talent whose witty style makes her one of the genre's finest." —Rendezvous
  • "Well-versed in her craft, Lisa Plumley does so much more than just tell a story. With wit and verve, she catches the reader's imagination from the very first sentence, spinning a tale of adventure and romance... I didn't want this remarkable romance to end. I loved it!" —Romance Communications
  • "Ms. Plumley spins a yarn of humor, pathos, and romance that leaves the reader eager to turn the pages. Her colorful descriptions and attention to historical detail accentuate her story with depth and authenticity. Ms. Plumley is an author worth watching!" —Calico Trails
  • "This is one great western romance you will love. I did. SPLENDID! 4½ BELLS!" —Bell, Book and Candle
  • "Lisa Plumley's seemingly effortless prose flows like a swift-running river, carrying the reader along until the last poignant pages. A sweet, ageless tale of love and healing, in the American West. 4 stars!" —Affaire de Coeur
  • "A delightful, totally pleasing romp through the Old West... Ms. Plumley has, with a deft touch, given the world of romance a pair of lovers to be remembered. A great read!" —Under the Covers Book Reviews
  • "Lisa Plumley gives readers an exciting western adventure with witty dialogue. The hero is to die for... Western fans will adore this story! —Reader To Reader Reviews

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