Peter And The Pups

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  • Series: Peter And The Wolves #3
  • Author: Merry Farmer
  • Publisher: author
  • Year: 2021
  • FictionDB Listing : [1]
  • Goodreads Listing : [2]

Book Description

My name is Peter Royale, and for the first time in my life, I have friends who are like me—beautiful, ambitious, and up for anything.

Even though we are little more than the property of powerful men, it is time we play the game of politics to win using the tools and skills we were born with. The wolves like it when pups like us put on a show, and the grand summit is the perfect place to give them what they want.

But as powerful as my man, Magnus, and I are—especially when we work together—we make mistakes. Some of them could prove more costly than others. One just might cost me my freedom and the greatest love I have ever known. I should learn to listen to Neil, my heart, or get used to the feel of a collar around my neck.

AUTHORS NOTE: Peter and the Wolves was a project that I started to entertain myself this year. It’s WAY outside of the box of what I usually write, so if you’re looking for my standard Historical Romance fare, this ain’t it! But if you’re looking for a non-magical sort-of-fantasy, epic, MMM+, SUPER-steamy story of a young man coming into his own and discovering his political and “personal” power, this is the series for you!

PLEASE BE ADVISED: Steam level – Imagine scorching hot. Now double that. Then double it again.

Just a reminder, this is not a wolf shifter series, in spite of the title.

The books in the Peter and the Wolves series should be read in order.