Prince And Future…Dad?

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Book Description

Gullandrian tradition holds that on Midsummer's Eve no one can be called to account for amorous indiscretions. Even the king's daughters indulge in revelry. Unfortunately, they are also still held responsible for the consequences of their actions when pregnancy is involved, as Princes Liv Thorson discovers. And while she might prefer to quietly return to her life in America, her Viking prince and kingly father may have other ideas.

Rumors spread quickly in the palace, and within twenty-four hours not only had Liz endured the traditional family revelation of pregnancy, including nausea and rash, but so has the man responsible heard of her condition. Prince Finn Danelaw was entranced by the woman he held in his arms, and would certainly fulfill his responsibilities to her. Unfortunately, he may have to follow her America to do so. In a country where bastard children are badly stigmatized, and a king demands marriage, Finn has his task cut out for him if he is to convince the princess that she has his heart.

Related Titles

Part of the Viking Brides series.