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Cover Art by Merris Hawk

Book Description

Will sparks ignite and set off a fire or will they peter off into a slow burn out?

Doctor Amy Allens isn't looking for love; she's looking for a killer. As a Psychoanalyst she can see into the dark minds that prey on humanity - but Detective Ry Stevens is a complete mystery.

Will their growing attraction make them a stronger team or will the sexual sparks be a distraction that costs them their lives?


Kazinsky inhaled deeply of the rich, heady aroma that surrounded his latest conquest. He could smell her fear and it excited him. He looked back at the tart tied up in his back seat and grinned in anticipation.

“We’re going to have some fun tonight, my little tart. You picked the perfect outfit to capture my attention this evening. You should be proud.”

The little tart had been prime for the picking. She’d been wearing a short leather mini skirt; a fiery red tank top with most of her assets hanging out than in and her shoes were strapless black stilettos. They had to have been uncomfortable to wear but he admitted they certainly made her look sexy.

He only had one disappointment with his prize this evening. She wasn’t his usual type. Her hair was too short and she was a blonde. He consoled himself with the knowledge that the next girl would be better, and there would be a next girl.

He laughed aloud at the thought of the police force’s incompetence eliciting a frightened whimper from his victim at the sound of amusement in his voice, bringing a smile to his lips. He started whistling an eerie tune just for her and returned to his musing.

The poor police hadn’t come even close to finding out who he was. Well until recently. They had someone new working on his case and she was getting close…very close. He wasn’t sure how or why, but he knew a woman had taken over the search. Finally they’d brought in someone worthy of his time to play with.

“Don’t worry, my dear. We’re almost home, and then we can start having some real fun.”

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