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  • Author: Michele Hauf
  • Publisher: Luna
  • Year: 2006
  • Setting: Alternate Universe, Medieval France
  • Amazon Listing: Rhiana

Book Description

She is called...and chosen...

Invaded by a cavalcade of vicious dragons, the villagers of St. Renan are snatched up when they venture beyond the walls.

Yet Rhiana Tassot -- who senses the dragons from a distance, who determines their attack scent from a mating scent, who is blessed with the instincts of a dragon, who dares stand before the fiery beasts without flinching -- cannot use her skills to defend her home. For the lord of St. Renan forbids her to track the beasts -- not in fear for her safety, but by some twisted desire to protect the dragons.

So conflict rages within and without the village and a long-held secret begins to stir beneath their very feet. Rhiana's knowledge of dragons is no accident -- and others begin to suspect why...

Related Titles

Book Three of The Changelings series from Luna Books: