Rose Light

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Book Description

A Rose ready to bloom…

One day, a young woman, Rose Light, attends her mother’s grave in order to place a single flower upon the headstone -- a lily for a Lily. This seemingly depressing deed is, in fact, a moment of sweetness in Rose’s gloomy existence. Could it be that her mother’s spirit looks over her, for this simple act is going to lead to a most fortuitous event.

Rose cooks and cleans for the rest of the family in the poor home in which they reside. When she isn’t running errands, she has her hands full taking care of her aging father. Life looks dismal and, unlike her sisters, Rose has no prospects of marrying to better her position. Not until she meets John Bennett…

When they met, she chastised him, was down right rude to him, so why has he tracked her down to the poverty-stricken area of Cheapside? Why does he look at her with that gleam in his eye and why does he look pleased, when taking his leave, at the sight of her unshod feet?

It hardly matters. Her stepmother has her eye on John for one of her other daughters, and they have more worldly experience. How can Rose possibly compete? Of course, maybe they aren’t even in the running. If so, what is it about Rose that has attracted John? Why does this man think he has found just the right woman and believe all she needs is the right stimulation to make her bloom?

Take one wicked stepmother and two older, conniving sisters, and you may think you’ve heard this tale before. You haven’t -- not this way. Let Rose Light tell you her story…