Running Wild - Lucinda Betts

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Travel to a magical desert land beyond the reach of time…a land of winged horses, djinns and demons, ruled by kings and queens of tribes forever lost, where sensual desire rules every living soul….

A princess like no other, Shahrazad has skin the color of richest honey and black hair that flows like a river under the midnight moon. Prince Tahir is bewitched by her strange beauty—and beset by hot, animal lust. Risking his life to make her his, defying the Sultan to sweep her away, Tahir and Shahrazad vanish into a dreamworld of their own, on the verge of sexual pleasure so intense as to shatter their souls—and change them forever…


“MOON SHADOW is one of the best fantasy erotic books this year.”

  –Road to Romance, Reviewers Choice Award

“Betts once again brings to her life her incredible imagination. Fans of the fantasy/erotic genre will be very pleased.”

     --Romantic Times on THE SUPPLICANT, four-star review