Second Chances - Jayelle Drewry

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Book Description

After losing his wife, widower Logan Scott vows never to love again. The pain of loving and losing is too great. So, he raises his daughter alone, pouring his love on her. He will do anything for his daughter, even remarry in order to give her the mother he thinks she needs. Do anything that is, but fall in love. He’s picked out the perfect candidate, daycare owner Amber Johnson

Single mom, Amber has been burnt by love before. But her affection for a motherless toddler and her attraction to Logan has her willing to risk her heart again.

Setting out to win Amber’s heart and gain a mother for his daughter, Logan didn't mean to fall in love again. But he did. When Amber discovers the reason behind his seduction, will she forgive him and give them both a second chance at love?


  • "... an extraordinary, powerful and unforgettable novel...Ms. Drewry’s sensuous voice and descriptive pen outline a tale that hooked this reader from the start. Be prepared to read this book in one sitting, because once you start it, you too, will be unable to set it down... This book will take you to a place that your heart will follow, leading you down a path toward love, and to understanding that the meaning of finding love all over again. SECOND CHANCES by Jayelle Drewry is an outstanding read and this reviewer will be reading more of this author in the future." 5 Hearts by Janalee @ Love Romances and More
  • "Second Chances is an emotion packed story about two people who want to be together... The characters in Second Chances are well developed, the storyline interesting and the love scenes steamy. Logan is probably one of the sexiest lovers that I have ever read about - I highly recommend reading Second Chances!" 5 Lips @ Two Lips Review
  • "Second Chances is a heartwarming tale of two individuals who both tragically lost their spouses and went on with their lives the best way they could. Amber and Logan have an awesome sexual chemistry as well as an easygoing friendship that makes the romance between them thrilling to read... Jayelle Drewry writes excellent stories full of emotions that readers will not be able to put down." 4.5 Blue Ribbons Chrissy @ Romance Junkies
  • "Jayelle Drewry did a great job in this book by bringing together two characters so in need of love...Second Chances has it all from hope and love to even the dream of having a life with your true love. Congratulations to Jayelle Drewry for creating such a wonderful tale about having a second chance at love and what they must do to earn the love they both desire." 4 Angels by Lena @ Fallen Angel Reviews:
  • "WOW! Is all I can say about the prologue of Second Chances... This book is masterfully written with step by step detail, not missing a beat...There is one point in this book that really shakes your inner desire and you just say WOW! and then look around your room hoping no one else was there to hear you fumble those thoughts over a book. The ending of the book, is like a fairy tale of happily ever after! A nice wrap to a Wonderful Sexy Book! And a book of wonderful emotion… This is a brilliant book." John Thompson @ TCM Reviews