Secret Thunder - Patricia Ryan

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Book Description

Invasion of Love

Faithe of Hauekleah was a proud as she was passionate, as brave as she was beautiful. Though she ached for love after the death of her noble Saxon husband in war, she vowed that the Norman conqueror she now was forced to wed would never have her heart.

But Faithe had not anticipated what she would feel when Luke de Perigueux, the most feared of Norman invaders, took her into his arms. She had never dreamed a man could be so strong yet so gentle. The ecstasy she received from him blinded her to chilling suspicions about this man who burned with such fury in battle. Yet even as her lips opened beneath his, even as her body melted to his desire, even as her pulse quickened to race with his toward wild and wondrous fulfillment, she knew she must unearth the dark secret he hid from her--whatever the cost.
