Seductive Synchronicity

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  • Author: Sage Ardman
  • Publisher: R.L. Ranch Press
  • Year: January, 2015 (ISBN 978-09914205-06)
  • Setting: Modern America
  • Amazon Listing - Paperback; Kindle
  • B&N Listing: - Nook
  • Kobo Listing: - Kobo

Book Description

For ten years, Constance Westerley has been having a recurring dream about a mouth-wateringly handsome man with a dragon tattoo on his chest. Some of her dreams are quite erotic.

Her girlfriends, a group of spiritual adventurers who call themselves The Witchy Women, tell her to meditate on this and find him. Of course, her outrageously wealthy family doesn't know about her dreams and they certainly don't care for her spiritual leanings. They just want her to find a respectable, rich man and settle down.

Nick Veseli grew up on the streets and in foster homes but was lucky enough to be adopted by loving parents. Since then, he has made it his life goal to give back to the community that saved him as a child. But his crusading idealism will pit him and Constance against powerful corporate interests, including some very rich Westerleys.

Wait until they see the dragon tattoo on his chest.