Showing Their Scales: Three Tales of Lies, Lust, and Deception

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By KP Wee

Book Details

Book Description

Three tales of lies, lust, revenge, and deception all under one cover!

1. Sweet Voice of Innocence. 2. False Ex-Pectations. 3. Young Chasing Rainbow Trout.

Sweet Voice of Innocence

Jason J. Walker is a hard-working director of a private college. A decent, responsible company man willing to do anything to help his school out, Jason suddenly has an infatuation with a new student, Mei-Fang. She is flirtatious, and has a sweet voice and an innocent smile. Jason tries to be friendly, but—in his mind—she goes one step further and seduces him. Though he initially resists her moves, he soon gives in to temptation. He is willing to do anything for her, but at the same time, can’t stop sleeping with her even though he knows it is unethical. Everything seems perfect until Jason inadvertently finds out about Mei-Fang’s hidden secret. What will this normally reasonable-minded man do to retaliate? Will he ignore his discovery and continue frequenting her bedroom? Or will he stoop to doing something illegal to get his revenge?

False Ex-Pectations

Dave Lee is an ordinary, self-employed consultant who has a normal life, like most people. Though Dave longs for sex with girlfriend Lisa—which she refuses to give him—he nonetheless is happy with their relationship. They both have their own careers, and spend a lot of time together.

However, this week, Dave’s business has been slow, while Lisa’s company is experiencing a busy season. Suddenly, an ex (Wendy) comes back into Dave’s life from miles away—after a three-year hiatus, giving him sexual pleasures that he can’t get from Lisa. Unfortunately, what Dave doesn’t realize at the time is this ex brings a lot of baggage with her. And Wendy’s re-appearance has caused Dave—who is obviously still in love with her—to make several questionable decisions, at home and at work.

Does Dave leave Lisa for the ex? Or will he remain with Lisa? Will Lisa find out? Who will die in this mess? Will he push her off the roof-top?

Young Chasing Rainbow Trout

Jeffery, upon arriving back in town, is dating Amy, a woman whom he'd known in high school but hadn't seen in years. The story is told by Jeffery, the proverbial "rainbow trout," a predator who does many hurtful things behind Amy's back, who is portrayed as "young"--ambitious but naive.

Meanwhile, Amy inherits a large sum of money, which Jeffery certainly has his eye on. Jeffery cheats on Amy and also is behind the demise of her mother, both incidents which he covers up well. Kim, Amy's exchange student "sister," and Mandy, Jeffery's own foster sister, are both in love with Jeffery, and know all of his secrets.

Will Kim, Amy, or Mandy betray him? Will Amy give up on or hook the rainbow trout she's been chasing all these years?

Review from Readers

  • "Things are just casually mentioned and you think they are irrelevant to the story but then they surface later on and play a big part into the plot. Likewise, at times things just so conveniently happen and the day is saved. I can’t remember and specific examples, but it’d be like the cops approaching someone and he thinks he is doomed, but meanwhile there just happens to be a group of teenagers around and one of them breaks a window and the cop is then diverted to that – saving the person who was worried. I know things like this are important to the story and needed, but I found it was used a bit too often."
  • "...colour and descriptions of female undergarments were far too was a bit too often."
  • "Violence towards women was in abundance."
  • " easy read and my interest was sustained throughout the various books. I was never saying, oh gees – 30 pages more to read, etc."
  • "I enjoyed Sweet Voice the best. I thought Young Chasing was decent. I didn't like False expectations too much."
  • "The stories for the most part were interesting and kept my attention."
  • "One thing i like about this book is that it's set in Vancouver. It's a collection of tales from the male POV on the theme of murder, lies, and lust. If that's your thing, this is the book for you. :)"