Silk And Whispers

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Book Description

Plus-sized Cori thinks she's settling in for some quiet time alone with her toy and her curves, but Seth wants to play along, too...even if it's only over the phone.

This is a short erotic romance, and all characters are over the age of 18.



I was torturing myself, but then that was the best part. I closed my eyes and pictured Seth's smile, his warm brown eyes. I imagined what it would be like to kiss him, to feel his hard body up against my own soft curves.

Well, honestly they were probably considered more than just curves. I'd been told by more than a few guys that I was gorgeous just the way I was, though. And these were men who appreciated what I had to offer. Large, heavy breasts, generous hips and belly, and soft thighs were not bad qualities to have, I had found.

Seth was tall, probably just over six feet, with lean muscles. Standing next to him, I had to look up, and I loved that. We'd had courses together for two semesters now, and had formed a study group with some of our classmates.

Our study group met a couple times a week and Seth had become the clown of the group. He always had some joke ready that one of us ended up having to explain. Took some of the fun out of it, I guess, but it made me see him as more than just a hot guy that I wouldn't have a shot with.

Although I'd fantasized about him a lot, lighthearted flirting is as far as I thought we'd ever be going. He usually dated thin blondes, and I was neither. He'd been "Barbie"-less for a while but flirting didn't mean he wanted anything more. I wasn't insecure about my looks, don't get me wrong, but I knew not every guy was into a full-figured woman.

I moved my vibrator slowly around my nipple, tantalizing myself with thoughts of Seth. If I was going to play, I was going to draw it out, damn it. Classes were out for a long weekend and most everyone had gone home until Monday, including Seth.

I let my free hand wander over my body. I'd learned to find the beauty in my shape, and part of that acceptance had to do with learning the different textures of myself. I touched my stomach, squeezing my belly and enjoying the give. I moved my legs, feeling my thighs rubbing against each other and heightening my sensations.