The Body On Mount Royal

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1953 US Edition
By David Montrose
Publisher Harlequin Romance #262
Release Month 1953 (US)
Harlequin Romance Series #
Preceded by Light In The Wilderness
Followed by Texas Showdown

Book Description

"Priscilla looked very frail and small in the hospital bed. Her face had scarcely more colour than the sheets. They'd pulled her long her up in a severe, tight coiffure, leaving her ears and neck naked, somehow indecent.

"Then I saw the blue bruises on her neck. For a minute I forgot my broken leg. I tried to run toward her and my cast tangled with the half-opened door. I went flat on my face with a crash, but didn't stop to see what damage had been done. I kept on toward her, first crawling, then staggering erect, AND ALL THE TIME I KNEW I WAS TOO LATE"

Take a brutally beaten body, a lonely spot on Montreal's famous mountain, and a buxom brunette, whose embrace brings treachery. Add a large dose of vicious gang warfare and a slice of underworld life. Mix these ingredients well and you have a large helping of spicy, fast-paced adventure.

Cover Variation (By Release Date)

1953 <br\>US Edition