The Eternal Kiss

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Book Description

Diego Viteri has lived for centuries with only one real goal, to avenge himself against the one who destroyed the man that he was and created the creature he is now. He is suffering a growing loneliness that is becoming impossible to ignore. His only reason for not ending his life is to see that Brakka is served his justice and then, Diego can rest.

The last thing he is expecting is to have an encounter with a human woman who is willing to jump between himself and Brakka during a harsh and bloody battle. Their one meeting changes everything for Diego, bringing to life emotions and wants that he has long believed to be as dead as he is.

As he follows Titania and her band, his needs reshape into something that he can’t ignore. Before he knows what he has done, he bonds with her and sets into motion the very thing he swore he would never do to another person. He has shared his curse and in the process may have very well killed her. And there is only one choice to be made to try to save her.


His hand covered hers where she cradled his cheek, and he could not resist, could not find the strength to any longer. He watched her, waiting for fear, apprehension, anything to stop him. It never came as he dipped his head to hers.

Her lips were so soft, so warm, he burst into flame at her touch. She was the sweetest breath of life he had ever tasted. Heat flared, roared to life between them.

He snapped up, his heart racing. Every fiber, every nerve ached, needed. He had never felt this.

She sat up slowly, clutching the robe when the blanket fell to her lap. Her hand lifted to her lips. “What was that?” Her eyes were wide, staring at him. They glittered with a sapphire magic.

His voice vanished. He plunged his hand into her hair, holding her. He slanted his lips to hers and felt the fire again. Heat, hungry desire swamped him. He seduced her mouth, caressed and sipped.

Diego was going to explode into heat where he sat. Satin skin, rich, fragrant hair, soft lips. He wanted more. He demanded entry into her moist heat and growled when she opened for him, hearing her whimpers. Her hand had found his hair, held him as tightly. Passion had eclipsed all other thoughts. He enfolded her into his embrace, pulling her into his chest. Wanting her warmth, needing her physical touch.

He kissed the corner of her delicious mouth, traveling with tender brushes to her temple, hearing the erratic pounding of her heart. The sweet call of blood, rushing hotly through her body. Her scent invaded his every cell, and where she touched, he felt her caresses through every pore.

His tongue moved, and he found the tip of his fang. Burning lust overrode reason. “Give yourself to me. Only to me,” he breathed. “Just a taste.”

Titania’s skin was so soft beneath his touch, his hungers beating at him, yet his strong arms remained gentle. She made a faint, kittenish sound deep in her throat, and his body tightened. His lips moved over burning skin, feeling the pulse of her under his seeking caresses.

He breathed her name. The hand she held the robe with rose over his shoulders, and he shook beneath her palm. He had to have a taste, just a taste. To know her, her every thought, her every wish, hope and desire.

He slid gently down the length of her silken neck, tasting her with flicks of his tongue, sipping at the sensuous, sculpted beauty of her. He inhaled, found the scent that belonged only to her. Spring rain and heat. A seductress in his arms. Blood raged through his body, through hers.

“Say yes,” he whispered, his breath hot against her neck. He laved his tongue against her and felt her pulse leap in answer. Her body tensed with awakening sensations. The scrape of his teeth bringing her breathing to a standstill. He needed her to give this to him. He realized he needed her to take his next breath, but he would not take unless she gave. He suckled gently at her pulse, bringing her own hungers to a crying pitch. “Just a taste, cara. Say yes.”