The House That Stood Still

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1952 US Edition
By A. E. Van Vogt
Publisher Harlequin Romance #177
Release Month 1952 (US)
Harlequin Romance Series #
Preceded by The Valley Of Silent Men
Followed by The Goldsmith's Wife

Book Description

At first Allison Stephens knew only that there was something strange about the house and it's sinister inhabitants. Then he stumbled onto the spaceship and learned of the catastrophe that threatened to obliterate the universe from the heavens - a catastrophe that the masked immortals from THE HOUSE THAT STOOD STILL could prevent. At the immortals planned instead to escape to another planet - leaving Earth to its terrible fate. Only one of them, the unearthly beautiful Mistra Lannett, agreed to help save the world. During the fateful days that followed, Stephens and Mistra met the challenge to defeat the most indestructable aliens the world had ever known !"

Cover Variation (By Release Date)

1952 <br\>US Edition