The TreeKeeper

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Book Description

As The TreeKeeper, Kayana holds the highest office on Vios, a planet colonized hundreds of years ago but reliant on an archaic economic system. In return for money, the colonites bestow upon Kayana everything she might ever need—except the things she longs for most.

Chosen at age six for her office, Kayana never again left the Tree Hall. But her selectors did not see in her a restlessness, a yearning for adventure, that has grown stronger in adulthood. When the dashing star captain, Maddox, steals a kiss during a bestowment, he awakens in Kayana a passion she barely understands. But he also sets in motion a chain of events that will lead to his death—or the downfall of an entire planet.

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Carla Vail, Reviewer for Karen Find Out About New Books, Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance: "The TreeKeeper is an enchanting story. The encounters between Kayana and Maddox are enticing, leaving me craving more. I would really enjoy reading more of Kayana and Maddox’s adventures."

Kimmie, Enchanted in Romance: "I give The Tree Keeper 4 Unicorns. I wish the story had been longer because the concept created by the author was completely original, and I would have liked to explore Maddox’s personality more. I greatly enjoyed The Tree Keeper."

Amanda (5 angels), Fallen Angel Reviews: "Her imaginative setting and apt descriptions color a vivid picture for readers. Her imagery blends nicely with the emotions Kayana and Maddox discover."