Vamp Camp

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Vamp Camp by Wynn Wagner
Vamp Camp

Book Description

This is the romantic opening of the Vamp Camp series.

Did Mårten Larsson want to be a vamp? Not so much. He wanted it as much as he asked to have a sissy circle over the å in his name. He just woke up dead one day with a piece of paper that said, “Dude, you’re a vampire. Drink some blood. Don’t suntan.”

Luckily, another vampire finds Mårten and agrees to teach him how to live (well, not live, exactly) as a vampire. And so Mårten goes to Vamp Camp, where he has to survive without getting staked or baked, learn how to work with fangs and blood lust while spending time with his boyfriend, and employ his wicked wit as he masters the art and science of vampirism.

Related Titles

The Vamp Camp series


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