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Hi there :) I've been adding books to the [[Harlequin Historical By The Numbers]] page and it's getting quite long. Do you think someone (maybe me, assuming it's not too complicated) should divide it up by 100s like [[Harlequin Presents By The Numbers]] and other similar pages? Thanks,
Hi there :) I've been adding books to the [[Harlequin Historical By The Numbers]] page and it's getting quite long. Do you think someone (maybe me, assuming it's not too complicated) should divide it up by 100s like [[Harlequin Presents By The Numbers]] and other similar pages? Thanks,
--[[User:Amy|Amy]] 15:24, 4 September 2007 (PDT)
--[[User:Amy|Amy]] 15:24, 4 September 2007 (PDT)
== [[Help talk:Moving, Deleting, Merging Pages]] ==
See discussion. What do you think? I don't want to misuse my admin powers. <grin> --[[User:Kay T|Kay T]] 10:47, 15 September 2007 (PDT)

Revision as of 17:47, 15 September 2007


RW Editor Did you see that I created two template pages and put instructions on how to use them on the discussion pages for each template. If you agree, we can add them to the "help" pages and to the pages that discuss the book and author templates. Let me know if you want me to do it (do I have the right "permission"?). --Kay T 16:59, 3 January 2007 (PST)


Thank you muchly for the welcome. Roaming27 00:10, 13 January 2007 (PST)

Historical Romance Titles - genre

I thought you might like to check out the discussion at Talk:Historical_Romance_Titles.
I've also left a message at Kay T 's to get her input too. I wasn't sure who else might be interested. Roaming27 00:43, 13 January 2007 (PST)


Okay, I see lots of activity with the categories. Are you thinking that historical romances should go in their subcategory (only)?? Like Regency, Western? And it looks like you are getting rid of Historical -- Regency. Right? Cool. --Kay T 13:22, 21 January 2007 (PST)

Yay!!! Looks like you had a busy weekend. --Kay T 16:32, 19 February 2007 (PST)

Too Wild to Tame

The book Too Wild To Tame (Janelle Denison) is actually Too Wilde To Tame. Do you know how to fix the page title?--Kay T 16:52, 14 February 2007 (PST)

Yeah, it's a matter of moving the page to the new page. Not a big deal. I can't believe I (and it was me!) misspelled the title. I'd even reviewed the book, so no excuses.--Romancewiki 21:15, 15 February 2007 (PST)

Susan King/Sarah Gabriel

I've made a real mess with this. First of all I made an entry for Sarah Gabriel, which is fine, but then I created a King, Susan page, which isn't the way it's supposed to be. So I had to delete all the content on it and make a Susan King page. But I was still confused, so instead I made a Sarah King page. Then I realised my mistake and deleted the content from the Sarah King page and finally succeeded in making a Susan King page. So now I have the two pages I want, but there are still two wrong pages, one for 'King, Susan' and the other for 'Sarah King'. I can't delete them but I was hoping you could. I've deleted all the content so that it's very clear which pages are the ones that need to be removed. --Laura V 00:31, 2 March 2007 (PST)

categories redux

I have been playing with the category:Plot Devices, trying to put that category (Plot Devices) on all of the existing categories that are plot devices (that makes them subcategories, right?). Of course, I don't necessarily know the difference between plot devices and some other element of the book, like the career of the characters (which might be a plot device??). Anyway, you can take a look (I should probably have Laura V look at these too). I think I must have been a librarian in another life. --Kay T 17:35, 2 March 2007 (PST)

I put a note on her user talk page. I am never sure how to carry out a conversation on these user pages, but... --Kay T 11:23, 3 March 2007 (PST)

more categories and things

I created a category for the "continuity" series from the publishers called category:Publisher Continuity Series, to try and capture all of those series, especially those which are written by different authors (and did not see an existing category for those). Especially since Leigh is adding such great lists from the numbered series, I wanted a category for those mini-series. Of course, the term "series" and various categories (Romance Series, Romantic Series) are sort of confusing, since we all use the term slightly differently. SO, I created a Series (disambiguation) page to list the uses that I found here at RW. I wanted to try to use and understand the existing categories. Hope I have not confused things further. --Kay T 13:28, 14 March 2007 (PDT)

You're welcome

I am definitely in maintenance mode. Don't feel like tackling anything big. I had never reverted any pages, but found the vandalism (perhaps inadvertent) yesterday and really wanted to fix. You and Leigh are in power mode! --Kay T 16:31, 11 April 2007 (PDT)

Re: Welcome!

Very many thanks for the welcome, I'm form Spain and I know that my English isn't very good. Almost all the romantic novels that are published in my country are of authors who write in English. I have much information on them and I like to share it. If some of my phrases is not correct you do not doubt in changing it. Thanks. --E-romance 03:18, 12 May 2007 (PDT)

Sorting Authors by Last Name

It occurred to me that as we get more "Author -" pages (like category:California Authors) that it looks weird to have them sorted by first name and it would be BIG pain in the patootie to go back and put in the correct sort key (last name) for each category for each author (category:RITA Winners being the only category I see that has the pipe-sort key on last name). Big-Wiki has come up with the new "Default Sort" key (enclosed in double french brackets pipe and then last name) which sorts the name correctly for all categories. Of course, even doing that for all authors would be a big job and I was wondering if you had looked into (or have hubby create) any bots? I am truly ignorant on this front except that they exist on wiki and automate some tasks (like open page, insert template, save page). So ... ?? 1 - do we want to fix the sort on these pages? 2 - do we want to use this default sort key? and 3 - can we automate it somehow? If we want to do it and can't automate... maybe with "all" the workers we have now we could do it is a timely fashion. We could also put it in the template for future author additions. --Kay T 17:47, 17 May 2007 (PDT)

I'll ask. I've presented my "wish list" of upgrades...here's hoping I have some pull with the techie side of house! You're right that it would be a pain to do retroactively -- either solution!--Romancewiki 18:03, 17 May 2007 (PDT)
As you can see I tested out the default sort key using Jennifer Crusie's page. It did fix the sort for her on all of the pages, make it sort on her last name. It also occurs to me as I am in random author category fixing mode that I could be putting it in the default sort key as I go along, but that would mean that some authors would sort on last name and others not until we got it done. On the other hand maybe that would not be that bad. --Kay T 18:13, 17 May 2007 (PDT)
It's definitely a start. I'll play with the key as I'm working on content updates -- see if there are any bugs or weirdnesses that we're not seeing.

same name, different authors

Last night I noticed that Alison Tyler is a name used by a currently writing erotica author AND a pseudonym used by Elise Title. How are we going to handle that? I also posted this on Leigh's page too. Or have we run into this before?--Kay T 16:10, 31 May 2007 (PDT)

I have encountered this once before -- there are two different authors named Kathryn Blair )Authors - B, scroll down). I ended up numbering them "1" and "2" and then doing a cross-reference back and forth in case someone was looking for the "other" Kathryn Blair (okay, I cross-referenced one and just fixed my error on the other).--Romancewiki 20:01, 31 May 2007 (PDT)
okay, actually at this point the "other" Alison Tyler is not mentioned on here. Also, do you have a good way to check pseudonyms? FantasticFiction says that Alison Tyler is Elise Title's pseudonym (and since she was writing for Harlequin in the 80s that makes sense), but the Elise Title web site does not mention it and I could not find confirmation anywhere. I may have added it to the Elise page, but this was still a work in progress. I tried to e-mail her and the address was no good.
Oh, I tried out that DEFAULTSORT thing on a couple of books that were "The..." so that they showed up alphabetized correctly on various category pages. It seemed to work (The Unsung Hero is the one I think I did). It just saves having to put the word you want to be alphabetized by in every category. --Kay T 10:29, 1 June 2007 (PDT)
Cool. I'll start using the DEFAULTSORT as I edit old entries and add new entries. Very useful thing, don't you think? As for good resources for pseudonyms, there are a few that I encounter as I work. This page has links to three I use regularly (you'd think I'd bookmark stuff, wouldn't you?). I also find out about pseudonyms from strange, random sources -- you'd think this stuff would be a breeze to find, wouldn't you?--Romancewiki 18:44, 1 June 2007 (PDT)

Publisher page

I started to add info to the pubishers (electronic, print), and then decided it looked better as a table here User:Kay_T/sandbox_publishers. But then couldn't decide if it would be too confusing for most users to update (the wikicode is not very friendly). What do you think? --Kay T 12:14, 19 July 2007 (PDT)

okay I added the table to the publishers page. We could even get fancy and add a column for genre (erotica, inspirational), but that might also get complicated. No, what book are you reading this weekend? I am in a real slump. --Kay T 17:54, 20 July 2007 (PDT)
Starts with Harry... Actually, if you're into historicals, check out the Jeane Westin series or Elizabeth Hoyt's work. I've been very happy with both of these fairly new authors.
after I logged off I realized what you were talking about (also after reading PR and commenting on that wonderful book). You know, I go in spurts on the historicals. Something about the name Elizabeth Hoyt sounds familiar so I might give her a try. It is not like I don't have loads of TBR, just nothing that grabs me. So did you get your Harry book? Looks like you are busy here, not reading!--Kay T 11:20, 21 July 2007 (PDT)
I know how it is when nothing seems interesting. That's when I turn to old favorites (which usually leads a review on PR. I am really pleased with the Hoyts -- she's working in an unusual historical time period and has very unusual heroes. I hate to use the word "refreshing", but it really is a joy to read about imperfect heroes, truly imperfect. And no book yet -- hence the work I'm doing now. My friend got his about a half hour ago; his mail person told him that she was delivering all the books first. Clearly, she has her priorities straight! --Romancewiki 11:27, 21 July 2007 (PDT)

I think I finally fixed all of the mystery pages added by Daisymau. Lots of book pages with no other info on them, just blurbs! Thank goodness for "what links here", but I just had one that I had to do some sleuthing to figure out which book she was talking about!Oh well, keeps me busy when I could be CLEANING! have a good weekend. --Kay T 12:53, 21 July 2007 (PDT)

blanked pages

did you know that there is the category category:Blanked Pages? I think these probably could be deleted. If you are looking for just housecleaning to do!--Kay T 13:08, 21 July 2007 (PDT)

publishers - Warner to Grand Central

I am in an indecisive mood. I moved Warner to Grand Central Publishing with a redirect. But what to do with Warner Forever? Forever is a book page. Should we move it to Forever (Grand Central Publishing) or (GCP)? Does it really matter?...Ah well!--Kay T 18:21, 21 August 2007 (PDT)

Ah, the changing of the guard. Or the changing of a name (doesn't this one sound like a coffee house? I remain perplexed by this choice, even as I understand the reasons behind it.) My first question would be "Are we certain that Warner Forever is changing its name?" If so, it should probably be redirected to Grand Central Forever or Forever (Grand Central Publishing) or whatever the imprint becomes. Clearly, publishers need to check with us before making these changes!
My brain is feeling a bit like mush today -- I think this has been the longest August on record. The good news is that I've done tons of behind-the-scenes work in preparation for a major content load soon!--Romancewiki 19:54, 21 August 2007 (PDT)
I agree that the name is lame. Let's hold off to actually see the spines of these new Forever books, and then ... I was laughing as I changed the publishers chart at your wonderful wish that we would not need to change it -- much. I just left in all the names redirecting to the others.
August has turned out to be just as icky as July. I really wish we got the summers off and could spend it watching old movies on TV (what I did the summer I turned 13 or 14) with time off for the pool or beach. Lots of interesting stuff going on here. I am going to explore the bot assisted editing at some time due to LOTS of uncategorized additions lately. Makes me crazy. My niece-in-law called me a nerd the other day. --Kay T 11:53, 22 August 2007 (PDT)
Agreed. We revert to our teenage selves and sit around all day. I'm terrified to wonder what I am if you're a nerd...--Romancewiki 20:06, 22 August 2007 (PDT)

Time Sink

Hi Hi. I'm just using the Romance Wiki as a time sink. I'm actually supposed to be revising one of my manuscripts. But, this is a fun time sink and it helps out my publisher. --Kuriosama 16:59, 22 August 2007 (PDT)

discussion options

You said: Finally, and I feel bad about cluttering up Kay's page (okay, I don't), is it time to start a list for discussion, etc? Thoughts? Ideas? I've also considered starting a RomanceWiki blog, but it's more thought than action (obviously....--Romancewiki 21:36, 24 August 2007 (PDT)

Ha! I showed you and moved it here! Have you considered a village pump page (or whatever they call it on the big wiki) where we could just chat on the wiki? I know it still is somewhat clunky, but it might serve the purpose we are talking about. --Kay T 21:22, 25 August 2007 (PDT)

Never fear. I will find a way to return this to your page. Just not right now. We could try the village pump thing -- village square, something that connotes reading, romancing, cotillion -- though I agree that it's a clunky solution. It will, at the very least, serve as a right-now solution. This is veering uncomfortably toward a discussion I initiated in a meeting (sigh, meetings!) where the topic became that a mix of technologies would provide a better result than unwavering belief in a single solution. I, naturally, lost that battle, but feel pretty darn high horsey in the fact that I was right (g).--Romancewiki 09:33, 26 August 2007 (PDT)
Have you experienced SharePoint? If it wasn't Microsoft I might be more enthusiastic, but it clearly is an idea that is being allowed to develop into whatever works. They now have blog/discussion/and I think even wikis under the SharePoint umbrella to be used in companies. (not that that has anything to do with here, but just being the nerds that we are). I have been back in the big-wiki world writing articles on -- amusement parks. I am constantly amazed at the vastness of that place and always running into a new feature/quirk. We are so cozy here. How are the resources holding up here? Lots of new info being added. --Kay T 16:58, 26 August 2007 (PDT)


Thanks for the welcome! Yes, those categories are somewhat baffling but I tried to do the best I could :) Love the wiki! --Amy 07:07, 27 August 2007 (PDT)

Mirage pages to be deleted

See discussion at User:DawnBurn about the two pages that need to be deleted. I told her to put the category:Pages To Be Deleted on the messed up pages. okay?--Kay T 15:01, 31 August 2007 (PDT)

So I created Template:Deletion (and the associated Template:Message Box & Template:Message Box Image) which places a placard on the page and adds the category automatically. So people just have to do {{Deletion}} at the top of pages that they want to mark for deletion and then the message box will show up AND it will be auto added to the Category:Pages To Be Deleted for Romancewiki's ease.--DawnBurn 16:13, 4 September 2007 (PDT)

Same Title Multiple Authors

I created Help:Same Title Multiple Authors and edited Book Template to try and recommend the format discussed below and to also encourage others to use the Category and create the pages. Please take a look. --DawnBurn 15:52, 31 August 2007 (PDT)

Harlequin Historical By The Numbers

Hi there :) I've been adding books to the Harlequin Historical By The Numbers page and it's getting quite long. Do you think someone (maybe me, assuming it's not too complicated) should divide it up by 100s like Harlequin Presents By The Numbers and other similar pages? Thanks, --Amy 15:24, 4 September 2007 (PDT)

Help talk:Moving, Deleting, Merging Pages

See discussion. What do you think? I don't want to misuse my admin powers. <grin> --Kay T 10:47, 15 September 2007 (PDT)