Crown Of Flowers

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1969 UK Edition
By Joyce Dingwell
Publisher Mills & Boon Romance #397
Release Month 1969 (UK)
Mills & Boon Romance Series #
Preceded by A Fine Romance
Followed by Pilgrim's Castle

Book Description

It had been a surprisingly romantic voyage out to the South Seas - surprisingly, because when Lin set out, to visit her brother who was living there, she was still smarting over the end of her love affair with Gray Norton, and the last thing that she expected was to get over it all so quickly in the company of Lewin Brent. So why did it all go wrong the moment they arrived in Fiji? "Give me a week," Lewin had said - implying that once the week was over he would be free to devote himself to Lin again - but it was only a few hours later that Lin knew it was all over; that there was another girl in Lewin's life, and, worst of all, the special mission in which he was involved was, it seemed, to ruin her brother. And where did she go from here?

Cover Variation (By Release Date)

1969 <br\>UK Edition